Localising Leanganook community conversation: Political economy of housing and real estate with Warwick Smith

Localising Leanganook’s next community conversation on February 4th – Political economy of housing and real estate with Warwick Smith. This event is the first in a series about affordable, ecological and socially-just housing.

warwick.pngWarwick will lead a discussion about the political economy of housing and real estate in Australia and discuss the main factors driving up prices. This will include a discussion of the distributional impacts of government policy. He will finish by briefly outlining some things we can do to improve housing affordability and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of current approaches (such as first home buyers grants and concession).

When: Sunday February 4th 2018, 5.00pm.

Where: Ray Bradfield room, Castlemaine, between IGA car park and Victory park.

RSVP and cost: This is a free event, no RSVP required.

About the speaker: Local Castlemaine resident, Warwick Smith, is Senior Economist at progressive public policy think tank Per Capita and an honorary fellow at the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Melbourne. He is the author of mainstream press articles on housing policy and economics in Australia, including at The Conversation, The Guardian, and the ABC.

This event is the first in a series about affordable, ecological and socially just housing.


Find out more about Localising Leanganook and sign up to their newsletter here:  https://leanganook.org.

Image Credit: Dave Hunt, The Conversation.


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